Formula sun! Driver in China covers his tiny hatchback front to back in solar panels to cut back on petrol中国司机用太阳能板覆盖面积小的掀背车,增加汽油的消耗A driver in China is harnessing the power of the sun – by converting his tiny hatchback into a solar-powered car.中国一位司机把自己小的掀背车改装太阳能车。The small red vehicle has become a hit in Tianjin, a major port city in North China, after its owner fixed a number of solar-panels all over its body.车主在车身上加装了许多太阳能板,这辆红色小车在天津火了。But the motorist could not store and generate enough energy just by covering the car back to front – so he had to build a bizarre extension making his boot longer.。